So, I don’t know about you, but I consider myself to be a pretty smart cookie. I can do most things I set my mind to and I can’t see that changing anytime soon. I can cook, clean, change the tire on my car. I can start a business in a developing country and have it expand and grow. I can give birth to children, rescue animals, and can even handle a pandemic. I am a smart and strong, independent human and because of that, I will tell you what I will NOT do in 2021.

I WILL NOT book travel without the help of an EXPERIENCED and KNOWLEDGABLE travel Advisor.

So, to some of you, that won’t be much of a shock. I know, I have been the one always saying that people need to hire educated people to do things you know nothing about. How many times have you thought to yourself, “Oh, I don’t need to hire a mechanic to fix the car.” Do you ever think, “I have never fixed a car, but I have seen others do it and my friend is a mechanic, it can’t be that hard?” I bet you have thought those things. And in that way it is the same thing.

If you want something done, correctly, efficiently, and easy, then for heaven’s sake, give it to a professional! Will you save a few dollars planning your own travel? Possibly. Same thing as changing your oil in your car. You save on the labour, but if you forget to put that plug in, or strip the filter getting it off or back on, it will cost you way more than just doing it in the first place. Travel Advising is the same. The damage you do by not knowing the best way to get the best deals, best perks, best options, is going to cost you and your travel companions hundreds. Something we hear over and over again is about travelers arriving in their destination and their hotel has made a mistake and you and your family are not reserved. YIPES! What do you do then? Do you stand and fight with the helpless customer service rep at the hotel check in, or do you want to go and have a drink and talk about what a mess this is and start to relax while it is all sorted out? If your choice is to relax, which we sure hope it is, hire a Travel Advisor.

Below are the BEST reasons to hire a certified travel advisor for our next trip or destination wedding.

With the situation around Covid19 and the ever-changing rules and regulations to travel. Don’t show up unprepared to change course or you could be in for a shock.

With the situation of flights being canceled and rescheduled due to mandates from governments all over the world, do you really want to play the cross the fingers game, or have your Travel Advisor already looking for options for you when you call to say your flight was canceled.

No one is in your corner in all of your travel bookings if you don’t have a Travel Advisor. If anything at all goes wrong with your flights or accommodations, transfers, connectors, luggage, excursions, your Travel Advisor is going to have your back to make things right.

Culturally it is wise to hire a Travel Advisor. Do you know where to go, do you speak the language? Your Travel Advisor can make sure to give you pointers to all of your activities and adventures to make sure they are truly a great time and not a scam or worse, dangerous.

If you have ongoing health issues or food sensitivities, you really should connect with a Travel Advisor. In this scenario, your Travel Advisor can help you to make knowledgeable choices on where to stay, to ensure your needs are met.

If you are young, healthy, and full of fun. Hire a Travel Advisor! No one knows the offbeat paths, the back roads to the most scenic places, and the time and best place to catch the destination sunset, then your Travel Advisor.

Most importantly, if you are a busy person, with a life going on. If you have a partner, and children, you know how busy you are balancing work and home and family. Now add your friends and social interests, now you have even less time to research and book travel. Wait, here comes an event, a holiday perhaps and life just got busier with all there is to do around that. Seasons change and yard work happens,and you still haven’t had time to even seriously look at destinations. Ahhhhhh, your life makes me exhausted just to hear about it, btw. ;)

Travel Advisors right now are spending hours on hold with tour companies, and hotels to check availability and complete bookings. I personally had 3 phones on hold at once a few days ago, for 5 hours. It’s good time to research but it is also exhausting. Make sure you are on the right side of the travel issues, - by right side, we mean off on a tour, or sipping a cool one, while your Travel Advisor does the rest.